Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Super Mom's Morning...

             I know that mornings set the tone for the day and often a mom's morning is a complete haze and flustered. I found this article on and felt it had some great tips on how to get your mornings to runs a bit smoother. I have tried these for the last 2 days and THEY WORKED!!! I have been at work and at my desk for the last 2 mornings five minutes early. I have arrived at work and not felt like I just ran a marathon... who knew that adding an extra 15 minutes to my morning could make such a huge impact. Give it a try! Much Love, Bridget

8 Ways to Ease the Working Mom's Morning Routine

Tested Techniques and Tips to End A.M. Chaos
-- By Hillary Copsey, BabyFit Contributor from

1.             Getting up early.
As a parent, you probably already are waking at an hour many people don't realize exists. But sometimes even 15 extra minutes can make things run more smoothly. Figure out how much time you need to get everyone up, fed and dressed, then set your alarm for 15 minutes before that. That time is a cushion. On a good morning, it means 15 minutes to play together or savor your coffee. On a bad morning, it means you're only five minutes behind schedule. 

2.             Making everyone help. 
My husband packs lunches every night. Even if he doesn't always hit all the major food groups, it's packed and ready, and that's what matters. My toddler carries his lunch bag into school, even if it means we walk a little slower. Even the baby is asked to "hang tight" for five minutes in the evenings while I get a snack for his brother and put away the breast milk I pumped at work. 

3.             Tag-teaming. 
I shower while the husband gets breakfast for the toddler. He showers while I nurse the baby. The husband holds the baby while I fix the toddler's dinner plate. He scrubs the dishes while I scrub the boys. 

4.             Encouraging independence. 
If you have a toddler, you have a child old enough to follow simple directions. My oldest son likes to put away his shoes and climb into his car seat. It isn't always as fast as I would like, but it frees me up to take care of the kid who can't help himself. He also is great entertainment for the baby, provided I can keep one eye on them and am within yelling distance to say, "EASY! You have to be gentle with your brother." 

5.             Using our appliances. 
Our slow cooker has taken up permanent residence on our counter. Between frozen leftovers from extra-large weekend meals and breastmilk, our freezer has never been this full. But with a little extra prep work and help from modern technology, I've managed to put a home-cooked dinner on the table even on the nights the baby needs to eat as soon as we get home. 

6.             Putting everything in place. 
Nothing throws off a schedule faster than lost keys or a missing blanky. All bags are packed the night before and put in their respective homes --lunches and bottles in the fridge; pump on the counter, purse and diaper bag in the bedroom. In the morning, while the toddler eats and before the baby is up, I gather everything but my purse--which is my last-minute dumping ground --into the car so it can't be left in the out-the-door whirlwind. 

7.             Giving two-minute warnings. 
Kids handle transitions from one thing to the next better when they know what's coming. By giving our toddler a steady countdown to time to go or time for dinner, the husband and I also keep ourselves on track. 

8.     Making every minute count. 
Quality time is any time you and your kids are in the same place. Rushing from home to work and back again, it's easy to feel like you have no time with your kids. But you do, if you just take the time to notice it. We sing songs in the car and play I-spy to practice colors. The husband and I flirt over the boys' heads at the supper table.


  1. I thought so too! I have added several into our daily routine and it really has made a huge difference in how our mornings go. Things are a little more clam and our "On Time" rate has gone up... hahaha!

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