Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Super Mom...

Why are mornings so difficult?

No matter how early I wake up, I always seem to be running behind! This morning I woke up at 5:30am because I knew I had a lot on my plate and wanted to get an early start (this is a full hour earlier than my normal wake up time) but what happens; I am still racing the clock to get to work.

I can't seem to find balance in my life... I feel like I am always playing catch up, but never actually catching up. I go to bed early so that I can wake up earlier to take care of things I didn't get to finish the night before because I wanted family time. This leaves me flustered in the morning because I am rushed to get stuff from the night before done, all while trying to get out the door on time.

 Do you find this same dilemma in you life? I will spend the rest of this week learning/researching how to achieve balance with work and family and how to make mornings run more smoothly.

Discovering the SUPER MOM...

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