Monday, July 9, 2012


I sit daily in awe of my 4 year old daughter Rowyn... she amazes me, inspires me, terrifies me and intrigues me. This little girl is so FEARLESS, that she is truly the definition of fearless.
 Everyday she finds a new adventure and then conquers it.

We spent the weekend at the camp and this little girl left me on the edge of my seat all weekend long.

She was the youngest child at the camp this weekend (all the rest were 7+years old) and my sweet 4 year hung and did everything they did. We took the boat out tubing and all the kids were so excited and Rowyn stepped up and said I want to go too and jumped on the tube in the river and never gave it a second thought... I don't think that she knew what tubing was when she climbed on and I don't think she cared. I watched as the tube bounced, slid and hopped down the river and all the while Rowyn had the biggest smile on her face yelling "faster, faster!"

Not only did she tube with the big kids she also dove in and swam in the river with the big kids... and by dive, I mean stand on the deck and cut flips into the unknown waters of the river.

I have never been so proud as I was this weekend. Everyone sat in amazement as my sweet little 4 year showed them how fearless and (excuse my language) Badass she is!!!

 Here is my advise to all moms, "never put fear in your child... Let them be fearless, let them test their strengths, let them be the child they want to be. Yes, it is scary and yes it is hard... but let them be." Much Love, Bridget!

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