Monday, July 30, 2012

Back to School Preparation...

With the summer quickly coming to an end and a new school year just around the corner... I thought I would spend this week discussing back to school preparation. This first article comes from and gives tips on school transitions. I hope you find it helpful and it there are any back to school related topics you would like me to cover, please let me know. Much Love, Bridget! 
Tips for Easy Back-to-School Transitions
The summer is just about over. No more going to bed late, sleeping in every morning, or playing outside until dark. Now the routine has to change. Beginning kindergarten, going back to primary school, or to a child care program usually means two things to a young child: 1) a stricter time schedule; and 2) adapting to a different caregiver, classroom, teacher, school, friends, or academic challenges. These new experiences can bring on stress or cause children to resist necessary adjustments. Even as adults, we sometimes feel uncomfortable or anxious when facing a new situation. Think how overwhelming it must be for young children who have far less experience in dealing with the unknown! Smooth transitions can be accomplished if the adults who care for children try to view the situation from the child's perspective. Here are some tips on what you can do to make going back to school a pleasurable experience.

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