Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Fitness... Part 2

Today's Article comes from LIVESTRONG.com and it focuses on what parents and adults can do to stay activity and fit during the summer months. Much Love, Bridget! 

Summer Fitness Ideas

The carefree days of summer can be a good excuse for rest and relaxation. Sleeping in late, lounging by the poolside and indulging in cookouts and campfire s'mores are just a few of summer's pleasures. But before you know it, you might be out of shape and have a few unwanted pounds to prove it. This summer, be proactive. Summer fitness can be fun. Keeping a few tips in mind, you can safely enjoy being active during the summer months.

Whether at the pool, lake or beach, water activities can not only offer relief from the summer heat, but they can also be a great workout. Swimming laps or just splashing around can get your heart pumping, your lungs working and your entire body moving. Water-skiing and wake-boarding can strengthen your arm and leg muscles. Kayaking and canoeing can strengthen your arms, shoulders and abdominal muscles. According the the Kayak Lake Mead website, paddling a kayak at about 5 miles per hour can burn about 400 calories per hour. It also promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

Organized sports can be a great way for kids and adults alike to stay in shape in the summer. They can also be a good opportunity to learn teamwork and interact socially. Baseball, softball, football, soccer, tennis and basketball leagues are just a few examples. For beginners, taking lessons might be a good idea before joining a league. Contact the recreation department in your city to to see what options are available.

Hiking is a heart-healthy activity that requires little to no equipment. If you have a desire to be active and enjoy beautiful scenery, you can hike. You don't have to live near the mountains to hike, either. You can often find designated hiking trails at your local nature center or park. Hiking can prevent heart disease, control obesity and improve your mental health. For added adventure, try geocaching, a high-tech treasure hunting game that requires a GPS device.

 If you are unable to exercise in the morning or evening when the sun's rays are not as strong, or if the summer heat is especially intense in your area, you might want to consider exercising indoors. Try a workout video and exercise in the comfort of your own home. Swim at an indoor pool. Go to the local gym and exercise in the cool comfort of air-conditioning. Join an indoor sports league. It is not important how or where you exercise, but that you do exercise.

Exercising outside in the summer is not without risks. Kids require constant supervision near the water. Young children should wear proper Coast Guard-approved life vests at all times. Older kids and adults too, should wear life vests when swimming in deep water or participating in water sports. Overexposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can burn your skin, increasing your chances of developing skin cancer. According to the Kids Health website, you should avoid not only only exercising, but also just being outside when the sun's rays are the strongest, usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the northern hemisphere. When outside, wear protective clothing and sunglasses, and apply sunscreen liberally. Drink plenty of water to avoid becoming dehydrated. If you feel over-heated at any time, stop exercising, find a cool place to rest and drink some water.

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