Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Recipe Week!

Today I tackle the infamous GREEN SMOOTHIE!!! They are actually very tasty, very healthy and very easy to make. As an added bonus I have given you different variations for the Green Smoothie, although you really can make it anyway you want! I also added the Green Smoothie Popsicle recipe for the kiddos. Enjoy and let me know how you like it. Much Love, Bridget!
Green Smoothie
1 frozen sliced banana
1 Tablespoon peanut butter
1/2 cup 0% Vanilla Chobani Greek yogurt
1 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze (or other kind of milk)
4 cups baby spinach (or more, or less)
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
Nutritional stats:
350 calories, 10g fiber, 21g protein

Part of the fun of a green smoothie is experimenting. Try adding different types of fruit or different leafy greens. Here are some smoothie combinations I’ve really dug:
                banana + kale + frozen mango + almond milk
                banana + spinach + pineapple + coconut milk
                avocado + romaine lettuce + frozen blackberries + almond milk
                banana + Swiss chard + frozen strawberries + coconut milk
                banana + parsley + pineapple + almond milk

Green Smoothie Popsicle Ingredients:
                2 cups spinach
                2 cups frozen berries (your choice)
                2 bananas
                1 cup water
Blend until creamy smooth, pour into Popsicle molds, freeze and enjoy a healthy snack as a treat. Going green never tasted so good!

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