Friday, August 10, 2012

Let Me Dress Myself....

A week in Tutus!

Do you let your child choose their own clothes on a daily basis? Do you fight with them every morning while getting dressed? I say, pick your battles... so she wants to wear a tutu everyday, she's a girl, should I expect anything less. I mean there are far worst things she could want to wear!

Prevailing parental wisdom on the web seems to back me up. There are pages and pages of reasons why it's a good idea.  Letting kids choose their own clothes helps foster independence, it helps kids gain a sense of their own style, and allows them to learn how to match colors and patterns and to learn from mistakes ... like maybe wearing ankle socks and tights with boots on a 90-degree day was not the best idea. So, where do you stand???

Let me hear from you moms.... Much Love, Bridget!

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