Monday, August 6, 2012

First day of PreSchool...

Hey Mom, I'm in PreK now!

Today was Rowyn's first day of PreSchool... I didn't cry, I sniffled A LOT but didn't cry.  As a parent it is a hard pill to swallow that your child has to grow up. Every first milestone is a big deal and blow to every mom's heart... because it means your child is growing more and more independent.

This day was no different... Rowyn was ready and rushing me out the door to get to school. She has been ready since the beginning of Summer to become a big kid, a preschooler. I have not been and I am not ready to let go of my baby and to admit that she is a big girl. She wears big girl clothes (yes, she is no longer in toddler sizes), big girl shoes, does big girl things and big girl wants... but the fact that she wants to be a Fairy Princess when she grows up, gives me a glimmer of hope that I still have my little girl.

I hope that all of my mommies out there have a wonderful first day of school. Much Love, Bridget!

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