Thursday, August 2, 2012

Back to School Preparation...

We are counting down to the final days of Summer... sheesh it passed so quickly! Many of us are doing our shopping and registering at schools. Here is a little handy advice from on how to prepare you, your household and more importantly your little one for the start of school. Much Love, Bridget!

The Final Days before the Start of School

by: National Head Start Association

The week before...

  • Get the supplies requested by the school (book bag, crayons, glue, nap mat or towel, etc.)
  • Label all personal items with your child's name in permanent ink (clothing, lunch box, book bag, nap mat or towel, etc.)
  • Discuss plans for drop-off and pick-up in detail with your child. (If possible, do a "practice run" prior to the first day.)
  • Take to the school nurse or office any prescription medicine that must be administered during the day.
  • Plan a separation routine. If possible, include your child's teacher or carpool partner in the routine. Select a series of steps that you will take every day. (Child puts belongings away, parent describes what they will do after school and says goodbye, child goes to her teacher/drive/walking partner and greets them, parent leaves).
  • Discuss any fears or questions your child might have. (What if I have to go to the bathroom? What if I forget where you are going to pick me up?)

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