Monday, April 30, 2012


Are there days when you feel like you are talking to yourself, everything you say is falling on deaf ears?  Lately I have been very frustrated with the feeling like no one listens to me, hears me or acknowledges me...

As a mom being frustrated can leave you agitated and as the saying goes "if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy".  All day I speak to Rowyn, Todd and Pip (the dog) and all 3 of them continue on as if I have said nothing... It isn't until I raise my voice, yell or get mad that they acknowledge I am speaking and then their response is "what's your problem?" I mean really, what's my problem, what's my problem, WHAT'S  MY PROBLEM??? My problem is that I have asked 3 times for you to do something, I have been trying to tell you my exciting news or how my day has gone and you have yet to pay attention to me!!!
How as a mom, woman, spouse or friend do we get our voice heard? How can we get our point across without raising our voice?  What does it take to get acknowledge?

I will be spending this week researching on how to achieve these goals...

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