Monday, April 30, 2012


Are there days when you feel like you are talking to yourself, everything you say is falling on deaf ears?  Lately I have been very frustrated with the feeling like no one listens to me, hears me or acknowledges me...

As a mom being frustrated can leave you agitated and as the saying goes "if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy".  All day I speak to Rowyn, Todd and Pip (the dog) and all 3 of them continue on as if I have said nothing... It isn't until I raise my voice, yell or get mad that they acknowledge I am speaking and then their response is "what's your problem?" I mean really, what's my problem, what's my problem, WHAT'S  MY PROBLEM??? My problem is that I have asked 3 times for you to do something, I have been trying to tell you my exciting news or how my day has gone and you have yet to pay attention to me!!!
How as a mom, woman, spouse or friend do we get our voice heard? How can we get our point across without raising our voice?  What does it take to get acknowledge?

I will be spending this week researching on how to achieve these goals...

Friday, April 27, 2012

From the Mouth's of Babes

So a few weeks ago I bragged how my daughter called me beautiful every morning... I am guessing she has been building me up because this morning she broke me down!

Rowyn: "Mom, I get you confused with a unicorn in the mornings cause you have bad hair"

Rowyn: "Mom, can you please stop trying to make yourself beautiful...You are gonna make me late for school"

Rowyn-1, Mommy's self-esteem- 0

Good thing she is so stinking cute!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The 3 C's

Starting today I am going to be living this... 

I have heard this quote many of times and have tried implementing into my life many times, but always let the world get the best of me. Since, I began my job at American Press I decided to start making small changes in my life and the way I handle life in general... I have to stay it is starting to pay off. I see big things in my future!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sweet Abby

  Abby Walker's organs are being donated through Louisiana Organ Procurement Agency (LOPA) this flag is being flown in front of Memorial Hospital in her honor as an organ donor, this is the first flag to be flown in honor of an organ donor in this area, its a new acknowledgment being done by LOPA and we are proud to be able to say this first was done in Abby Walker's honor.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Going Digital

Testing mobile messages... I have now added my Blog to my phone so that I can now Blog on the go!!

Hurting for a friend

A dear friend of mine from High School lost her 7yr old daughter yesterday... It was a free accident and there was nothing they could have done to stop it. I can not comprehend the strength it takes to make it thru next these days. My heart is breaking for her so much that could almost throw up...

As I looked at my daughter this morning, so much emotion surrounded me. How could I ever say good bye to her, how could I ever watch her life leave her little body, I could I ever make the choice to take her off of life support, how could I ever see her little body be buried... I don't think I could do any of these and still have my sanity.

My heart, thoughts and prayers are with these family today and in the next few days... May God Bless them and hold them tight.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Battling Migraines

I have fought migraines for about 12 years now and they seem to be getting worse. They are now becoming debilitating and affecting my day to day life. I need to find help!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Funny Story

I love conversations in the car with my 4 year old... They always start my day with a smile.

This morning she asked me to do something...
Me: "Mommy can't cause she is old, chubby and going senile"
Rowyn: "Mom, you are not a mermaid"
Me: "huh"
Rowyn: " You don't leave under the sea, you have legs!"
Me: (after pondering that statement for a bit) "No baby, senile means nutty"
Rowyn: "Yeah, you have lost your mind"

She cracks me up!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Feeling like hired help...

Do you as a wife, mom or partner feel like a servant in your own home? Has it gotten to point in your life where you are last in line?

I am starting to feel less and less important in my home... my wants and needs succumb to everyone else's and I get little help around the house. Although, every time I bring this issue up I get pushed aside once again as being over dramatic. I just need a break or a little help.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's Spring again so I guess I am gonna try Blogging again... I am not sure why I keep losing touch, but I def need to get back to it!!