Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spring like weather

Today was beautiful weather, the first in quite some time. I was on the road all day for work, but when I got home I threw on some workout clothes and hit the track. I am starting my interval training so that I can get my knee strong for the Crescent City Classic in April!!! I am hoping to get my time under an hour. I ran the 10k Turkey Trot in November in 1:04, but I was in major pain for 2 days..... Yuck!!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Today has been such a wonderful day. I had lunch with my very best friend (sushi) she has been a part of my life through the good and the bad and she is the reason I have Todd! After lunch I did some shopping and finally found shoes for our Mardi Gras ball and I love them!

I came home and dipped some fresh strawberries in chocolate and then went to pick Rowyn up from school. She came home to a surprise of her Valentine's day gift, which she loved! When Todd came home, we boiled shrimp, potatoes, corn and carrots. So yummy!! He also came home with roses and chocolates for me and a little bear and chocolates for Rowyn.

I just got a text from my sweet Suzy saying that she just got engaged... I am so excited for her!! She deserves so much happiness and love. She is such a wonderful woman and friend. What a great way to end my night knowing my friend got engaged!

Friday, February 11, 2011

What a great family night

Tonight Rowyn, Todd and I went to Mr. Gatti's for dinner and then took Rowyn to see 'Gnomeo and Juliet' in 3d!, it was such a fun movie and very family friendly.... I truly enjoy nights like this. We are all 3 cuddled in the big chair watching Yo Gabba Gabba. A great end to a really nice night.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oh my silly girl

I am getting Rowyn ready for school this morning and she looks at me and says " can I have breakfast at home, school breakfast is disgusting!" I can see bag lunches in my future... Hahaha! I love that my sweet baby enjoys eating healthy food. Her breakfast this morning was a boiled egg, half a banana and grapes, this was her choice. This past weekend we were at a friends house and all the kids were eating cookies and Rowyn was given one also.... She looks at Todd ask if she could have a strawberry instead. I truly believe that if you start your kids early on a healthy diet, they will grow up appreciating healthy food and learn how to make healthy choices!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Time to get back in the swing of things

I have been away from my blog for a while trying to decide what I was going to do with it..... I have decided that I am going to use it as a journal of my days. I am going to talk about the trials and tribulations that comes with being a mommy and also as a woman. I will also post fun activities and recipes. I hope to gain more followers, but either way I am doing this for me as an outlet for my stress.