Monday, September 7, 2009

Learning our Alphabets

I am currently trying to teach Rowyn her alphabets, but she has no desire to sit them me and learn. It is a slow process and I am being very patient cause I know she is only 19mths old. I believe that starting a child's education early is the building block to a lifetime of loving to learn.

Alphabet puzzles are a must for all toddlers/preschoolers. Parents should read to their children from birth. Talk nonstop to your infant and most of all sing and say Nursery Rhymes. Being a parent is the longest, hardest,but most rewarding journey you will ever take. If you truly spend long hours doing all of the above your child will learn. Maybe she will not know his alphabet at 18 months, but she will have spent many loving moments with her parent. Remember you are given your child, a little soul, to guide through her early years. Do your part, but love the soul for who she is!

I have read that the Leap Frog Letter Factory is the best DVD for teaching both letter identification and begining sounds, I plan on buying it for Rowyn. I will let you know how it goes!

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