Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Being a Bully

I picked Rowyn up from school yesterday to learn that she is a bully in her classroom. While playing outside that morning she pushed a little girl off the top of the slide. She was put in timeout... although later while playing she hit and pushed some of the other children. She was put in time out again.

After being told about what Rowyn did, I then asked Rowyn if she was a bad girl today and she honestly said "yep". What to do!!!

She is so sweet when the two of us play and she hugs and kisses me and shares all her toys. But when she plays with others she becomes a bully. I notice it when she is playing with her cousins, she will take things from them (mainly their pacifers) in order to make them cry and then gives it rigt back. How do I stop my child from being a tyrant?!?

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