Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rowyn enjoying Watermelon

This was Rowyn's first time to have watermelon. She loved it and could not get it in her mouth fast enough. we actually had to hose her off outside because she was sticky from head to toe!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

How is your week starting off?!?

Hey moms... A new week has begun! My weekend was great, I ran a 5K on Saturday and then spent Sunday with my family for Father's Day. We played a mean game of kick ball, so much fun! My morning started off with a CrossFit workout, that almost killed me.

Let me know about your weekend..... Have a great Monday!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mom's the Word

I am starting the blogging site in order to help moms relate to each other and talk about day to day activities.